When it comes to your career, does a programming language really matter?

Usman Zahid
4 min readSep 29, 2022
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That is a question that I got stuck with when I was just starting my journey in computer sciences. I looked around for what language should I learn. And what language does what? Ultimately, I discovered something else. Which I will tell you about in this article.

Does A programming language really matter?

Well yes and no. WHAT? Well, let me explain.

How it does not matter

A language is a set of syntax and grammatical rules defined by the designer of that language. Every language has differences in its syntax and how they work. The main purpose of a programming language is to solve problems. A programmer must be able to solve problems effectively. And using a language just as a tool to help in the process. For example, If you want to add two numbers you can use any language from assembly lang to kotlin. Everything will work just fine.

Let us take an example of python. Python is being used for AI and machine learning in most cases. So that would mean that if you only know the syntax of python, which is literally a piece of cake, and you do not know the principles and theories of AI and ML then you are not worth a dime.

So what:

So if the language does not matter in a computer science career, what does? The answer is this. You need to know the main concepts and theories that will work in any language. As I told you earlier in the python paragraph, if you want to be in the AI field you need to know the concepts more than the syntax of the lang. Some of those are:

  1. DSA (Data structures and algorithms)
  2. Object-oriented programming or OOP
  3. loops and structures
  4. Functions
  5. Pointers (only in some languages)
  6. Deep understanding of simple concepts

The most important of these for a job is the DSA and OOP. So these are the concepts that make you a great programmer. If you learn one language, you can shift between languages in a short time. Remember, programming is not about coding it’s about solving problems by the means of a computer.

So focus more on problem-solving than the syntax. It does not matter if you only know the syntax of a language. So the conclusion is that whatever language you choose, it does not matter.

How it does matter

You see some programming languages are easier than others. Some get the job done faster. Some are more complex but are very fast and very efficient in their execution. Some languages are made for specific purposes. For example, Javascript was made solely for backend web development. But can be used for desktop development now, Thanks to the electron framework.

Python was also made on the concept of code readability and accessible code. Due to a lot of libraries that it has built into. A program that takes 10 lines in c++, might only need one line to be executed in python. That’s why it is a favourite language for scientists and machine learning and AI engineers. And it can also be used for web development by using some frameworks like Django and flask.

Kotlin was made solely for Android development. So if you want to be an android developer then it should be your choice because it is carefully crafted by google for android development. So it would make more sense to use kotlin than any other language.

C and C++ are very efficient languages. Because these are compiled languages. This means the source code is converted into machine code before execution. C++ due to its performance is mostly used in software and game development, VR, robotics, and scientific computing.

What would be the roadmap

Choosing the roadmap for your selected field is difficult. A starter does not know what concepts to learn and what not to. So I would suggest you visit this site named Roadmap. It will guide you completely depending on your selected career.


So when choosing a language, look into your goals. what you want to craft and build. What platforms are you targeting? After that choose the most suitable language and go for it. Do not change before learning it completely. And remember, focus more on the problem-solving concepts than the syntax. And learn your style of programming.

The programming journey is a bumpy ride. So just get the ticket, tighten your seatbelt and just go for it. There will be a lot of ups and downs. And you will also fall into the programmer’s hell. Which is the most demotivating time during a programmer’s intermediate learning days. You will only succeed if you cross that part. Don’t get demotivated, and do not quit. And remember consistency is the key. Even if you do not feel like programming someday, still do it. Do not break the streak. Good luck.

Regards, Usman Zahid :)



Usman Zahid

I write light hearted stories about mix of tech, productivity and improving ones life. I make sure to add value to my content and to your reading time. Follow!