Choosing the Right Programming Language for your Career: Straight forward answers

Usman Zahid
6 min readFeb 22, 2023


Programming languages
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In this article, we will discuss which programming language should you master to be able to conquer grounds in your particular field. I will try to give direct answers based on my research and opinion.

Why is it necessary to choose the right programming language?

In general, you can make any language do anything most of the time. But that might not be the strength of that language, which can cause some deviation from the right path to success in your career.

For example C++ and C# are mainly used to make games. Because of the extensive 3d engines that are written in these languages. But if you try to make a same game using python or Js, you might get stuck at that.

Or let’s say you want to program a software for a circuit and not a computer, you will have to do in C++ and other near low-level languages. You can do it in python, but that won't be a sound idea.

And that’s the reason we are here to look for the right programming language.

Factors to consider while choosing

The most important things to consider during this process would be to:

  1. Your career demands: This includes what your career would want you to learn (the topic of the article).
  2. Market needs: What the market is looking for, which programming language they look for when hiring.
  3. Your personal interests and strengths: What are your strengths and interests, which programming language you already have a grip on or you like one. But that won't matter because becoming a programmer does not allow you to be picky with everything, because you just have to write logic in all the languages.
  4. Language community support: Check for those language’s community and support. Most of the languages have a lot of community support, so don't worry about it.

Best languages for each career path

So here is a list of each career option:

Web development

Choosing the Right Programming Language for your Career
Image from Pexels

There are two fields in web development, Front end and backend. So each has their own set of languages. Here they are:

  1. HTML: Each webpage is composed of HTML. It structures the entire web. So there is no web development without HTML.
  2. CSS: Used to make our webpages look good, by styling the content. If you want to master it, you should also learn its frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS.
  3. Js: Works as a brain of our site and gives functionality to the web. You can also learn its frontend frameworks like React, Angular or VueJs, etc.
  4. PHP: Is used for backend development, runs on server. Manages user requests, processes data and manages databases. People also use Js python, etc. But as for a direct answer, it would be PHP and one of its frameworks like Laravel.

Answer: Learn HTML, CSS and Js for the frontend. And for backend learn PHP. Also, learn some frameworks to make your life easy.

Mobile app development

Choosing the Right Programming Language for your Career

In mobile development, you have two most popular platforms, Android and IOS. For each, there are native languages and there are hybrid frameworks.

  1. Kotlin(Android): For android Java was used as the main language for development. But recently Google announced that Kotlin is going to be the language for Android from now on. So if you want to learn Android app development, go for Kotlin.
  2. Swift(IOS): Made by Apple and used for IOS apps development. This is the most popular way of making IOS apps.
  3. Hybrid: Well, there are some Hybrid options for enthusiastic people who want to make apps for both platforms, so for them there are a few frameworks like React native and Flutter. But if you want a job out of app development, go to the native languages for each platform.

Answer: Learn Swift or Kotlin for native development, which is best for each platform and preferred by the employers. And learn React native which uses Js, Or Flutter which uses Dart language.

Data science

Here is the most popular and trendy career option these days. It is no doubt have become a good career choice, because data is getting more and more important. So here are the languages:

  1. Python: The most popular language for data science, known for its readability, versatility, and vast range of libraries and tools.
  2. R: A language designed specifically for statistical computing and graphics, commonly used for data visualization and analysis.

Answer: Go with Python and learn R if necessary.

Machine learning

  1. Python: The most popular language for machine learning, known for its simplicity, flexibility, and robust libraries and frameworks.

There are others but just go with Python and gradually learn frameworks. Some examples are: Pytorch, Opencv, Numpy, Scikit learn and TensorFlow, etc.

Artificial intelligence

Choosing the Right Programming Language for your Career
A robot (Image from pexels)

Python comes again, and you should learn these frameworks:

  1. Numpy
  2. Pandas
  3. Matplotlib
  4. SciPy
  5. Scikit-learn
  6. TensorFlow
  7. Keras
  8. Theano


Image from pexels

Most of the antiviruses and even viruses are made using C++, due to its great low-level features like direct hardware management.

And for integrating machine learning into the security systems, Python is used a lot for looking for patterns and outliers in the data.

Answer: Go with C++.

Game development

Choosing the Right Programming Language for your Career
A nintendo Switch (Pexels)
  1. C++: A fast and powerful language commonly used for game engines and high-performance gaming applications.
  2. C#: A language developed by Microsoft for game development with popular game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine.

The only difference here would be of engines, you can use C++ with Unreal, and C# with unity. Both offer a great number of jobs, unreal has a slight edge here because AAA games use unreal like PUBG and Fortnite.

On the other hand, Unity is most widely used by Indie developers and small game studios. It still offers a lot of jobs and is also used to make some decent games.

Blockchain development

  1. Solidity: A smart contract language for Ethereum blockchain, known for its simplicity and ease of use.
  2. JavaScript: Used for building decentralized applications (DApps) and interacting with blockchain networks like Ethereum.

Cloud computing

  1. Java: A popular language for developing enterprise-level cloud applications with a high degree of scalability, reliability, and security.
  2. Python: Known for its simplicity and flexibility, commonly used for scripting and automating cloud-related tasks.

Server side and cloud computing uses a lot of languages, so no direct answers here. You can go with any language supported to go with.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Here we should go with low-level languages to do programming here. For example, C & C++. These languages are popular in the IoT fields.

Note: These languages are based on my own research. It is always good to do your own research on the topic. And sometimes learning more than one language is also beneficial.

Where to learn these languages

For programming the best place to learn would be the internet. Physical classes could also be of use, they are not affordable by everyone.

So here are both the free and paid options for learning.


  1. Codecademy
  2. FreeCodeCamp
  3. W3Schools
  4. YouTube
  5. GitHub, stack overflow (Free help)
  6. Free webinars and conferences


  1. Udemy
  2. Udacity
  3. Coursera (Provides degrees too)
  4. Books


In conclusion, choosing the right programming language for your career path can be a daunting task, but it is essential for achieving success in the industry.

Whether you are interested in web development, data science, machine learning, or any other field, there is a programming language that can help you achieve your goals.

By exploring different resources for learning and choosing the programming languages, such as online courses, bootcamps, conferences, mentorship, and job postings, you can find the most effective learning path and take your programming skills to the next level.

So what are you waiting for? Start Learning today and unleash your programming potential!

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Usman Zahid

I write light hearted stories about mix of tech, productivity and improving ones life. I make sure to add value to my content and to your reading time. Follow!